The iPad is making its way to the baseball diamond, after all.(Credit: Chris Matyszcyk/CNET)
Source: CNET News (
The iPad is making its way to the baseball diamond, after all.(Credit: Chris Matyszcyk/CNET)
The iPad, which went on sale earlier this spring, is expected to surpass the Mac in shipments by September, says analyst Ashok Kumar.(Credit: Josh P. Miller/CNET )
The planet is especially well designed to naturally recycle its own materials. A specimen of some sort perishes, and The System is busy at work to redeploy the basic materials for future growth. In very rare cases, a specimen will leave an indentation of itself behind--a fossil--a "record" if you will. This disturbs the natural order of things. It presents "data" about the past that now needs to be factored with the present. For billions of years, these anomalous records of the past were properly overlooked and did not disrupt the grand plans for the future, thankfully. A bird nesting in the eaves of grand canyon wall benefits from the angle of the warming sun and the abundance of nearby berries. The history of ice ages and earthquakes and past Indian tribes recorded on the rock wall are of no care. Then come the humans. We draw on rocks at first, then turn glyphs into words, then transpose onto leaves loosely bound in what we now recognize as books. Worse yet, we invent photography and can capture an instant of time and review it over and over again and potentially re-live it through motion pictures. We have gone from a universe that only deals with re-growth and the future to one that is becoming obsessed with the past. Enter computers and digital records. Trillions of terabytes of data of the past, and growing without bound. It's not information anymore and to say it is noise is too polite. Back to fossils. Every once in a while, some researcher finds some especially curious fossil buried deep in the ocean floor. Or, the skeletal remains of some early primate high in the mountains of Western China. A single primate skeleton can fascinate scientists for years. We give him a name. We pick a gender. We assign stories of his troubled life as told by the microscopically visible bone fractures, and we even infer his preferred diet based on remnants of teeth and jaw structure. We might even be so bold to guess his social habits--from a single skeleton. Now, picture walking through those same mountains and with every step we crunch thousands of skeletal remains covering millions of years. The crunching is deafening. What can be learned from trillions of primate skeletons? In fact, their history now becomes a present challenge--that of stepping over them to get to a destination. It's hard to believe that recording history in totality is essential to our evolution. Is it not unnatural and [doesn't it] mire us in our ways? What if all the effort given today to recording our past was put towards building our future?
Motorola's Droid(Credit: James Martin/CNET)
A picture of the planned offshore platform which would have underwater 18 pumps moving water through a water wheel to make electricity.(Credit: Independent Natural Resources)
A prototype of the Seadog pump being installed in the Gulf of Mexico in 2007. (Credit: Independent Natural Resources) users who are on Chrome or the latest versions of Safari and Firefox can now drag files from their computer into their browser to begin an upload.(Credit:
The iPad occupies a gray area between smartphone, traditional tablet PC, and laptop in a category some are defining as a "media" or "Web" tablet.(Credit: Apple/CNET)
Is the Dell Streak a smartphone or tablet?(Credit: Dell)
Acer's CEO said selling its forthcoming Android tablet through a wireless carrier would be an "obvious" choice.(Credit: Shufflegazine)