Traditionally the categories of mobile computing devices break down in terms of size: smartphones have 3- to 5-inch screens, MIDs (mobile Internet devices) range between 5 and 7 inches, and tablets are between 7 and 10 inches.
The iPad occupies a gray area between smartphone, traditional tablet PC, and laptop in a category some are defining as a "media" or "Web" tablet.(Credit: Apple/CNET)
There's a pretty big range in IDC's and Gartner's definitions if you compare the features of a few of the recently announced or released tablets intended for consumer use.
Is the Dell Streak a smartphone or tablet?(Credit: Dell)
The Streak is an interesting case. Dell calls it a tablet. It has a 5-inch screen, which is on the large side for a smartphone. But it also runs Android, a limited mobile OS, and can make phone calls--it comes with 3G service with O2 in the UK. According to Gartner's definition that would be a smartphone. It's also very similar to Dell's smartphone, the Mini 3, which also runs Android and has a screen just 2 inches smaller. Lance Ulanoff at PC Mag pointed this out earlier.To make matters slightly more confusing, Archos has a very similar 5-inch tablet that also runs Android, though it's definitely not a phone. Save for the 3G radio and the camera, the Archos 5 is essentially identical features-wise to the Streak.
Acer's CEO said selling its forthcoming Android tablet through a wireless carrier would be an "obvious" choice.(Credit: Shufflegazine)
According to Steve Jobs, the iPad is not a computer. At its unveiling, he put it in "a whole new category of devices." He has said it's supposed to do all the things that Netbooks were trying to do but "better." Sure, that's just a lot of marketing speak, but he's also partially right: The iPad isn't as useful as a laptop, it's not a Netbook, and it doesn't focus on doing one particular thing well, like an iPod or a Kindle. It has a 9.7 -inch screen, runs a version of iPhone OS, which is not a full desktop operating system, and in terms of features, is a combination of an iPod Touch and an e-reader. It's not quite a PC, and it's definitely not a smartphone. It does, however, inform the definition of what both Gartner and IDC refer to as a "Web tablet" or "media tablet."Why do Dell, HP, and Apple define "tablet" differently?
Because they're trying to sell a product. And since you likely already own a laptop and a smartphone, they want to introduce you to a new consumer device that you'll want to buy.Some of these gadget makers are trying to distance themselves from the traditional idea of a tablet PC, which never took off the way Microsoft had envisioned. Apple is trying to distance its iPad from the idea of it being a PC at all, in terms of features, connectivity, and even the ability to run traditional PC browser plug-ins like Adobe Flash. Dell is, for whatever reason, not defining its Streak as a phone even though it's being sold through a wireless carrier. Perhaps it's trying to ride the coattails of what is now a very buzz-worthy category?HP, on the other hand, is still trying to figure it all out. The company had demonstrated the HP Slate with Windows 7 at CES, which at the time seemed like a straightforward traditional tablet PC. But since buying Palm and promising that Palm's mobile operating system, WebOS, would appear on an HP Slate, the company has been curiously silent about the Windows 7 tablet. That's likely a sign that they're--understandably--still trying to sort things out. Much like the rest of the industry.
Source: CNET News (
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