Jack Dongarra, a professor at University of Tennessee's department of electrical engineering, says graphics chips will be used increasingly in supercomputers to boost performance. (Credit: University of Tennessee)
Jack Dongarra: This looks like this is going to be one of the modes of high-performance computing. Taking commodity processors (such as standard Intel or AMD server-class processors) together with specialized accelerators, in this case graphics processors. How much do GPUs generally boost performance?
Dongarra: A board by Nvidia can give an order of magnitude greater performance than the commodity processor.But programs must be written to take advantage of this, it just doesn't happen, correct?
Dongarra: There's nothing automatic about it. You have to write a program that explicitly passes information to the GPU and tells the GPU what to do. That can be easy or hard. In most cases it becomes a challenge to write an efficient program to do the operations. Part of the issue there is that the connection between the commodity part of the computer and the graphics processor is a very thin pipe. So, you have to pass information and think of a very thin straw through which you're passing a lot of information. And once you move it over there, you have to do a lot of operations to gain back any benefit. And what's the future hold for GPU supercomputing?
Dongarra: Two things will happen. One, the connection will improve slightly. And then ultimately what's going to happen is that the graphics processor is going to be integrated into the commodity processor. So, you'll have a chip that has both the commodity processor's cores plus the graphics processors or an accelerator for doing floating-point arithmetic embedded into the chip itself. It's a path a number of companies are pursuing. Intel is one. AMD is another. Companies would like to pursue that path because it does provide the best performance but it does require another ratchet up in chip design. Dongarra added that chips have been designed in the past with accelerators, though, of course, the chip-manufacturing technology at the time yielded different results. "There were companies that made these things that attached to mainframes," he said, citing Floating Point Systems, a company founded in 1970.
Source: CNET News (http://cnet.com/)
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