Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Microsoft on track to develop glass-less 3D display?

Microsoft's Applied Sciences Group sure has some good ideas. By positioning a Webcam behind a transparent OLED or ultrathin LCD screen, The Wedge project allows a smart display to detect hand movements and interpret them as commands. If this sounds a little familiar, that's because this feature is similar to Microsoft's Kinect for Xbox 360. While that's no big deal, what really caught our attention was the claim that by tracking body position, one smart display can stream different images to individual viewers based on the body location. Hence, someone standing to the right may see a different picture compared with another viewer on the left. But that's not all. If different images are sent to each eye, the smart display may be able to achieve a stereoscopic 3D effect without the user having to wear polarized or active shutter glasses. This may hold the answer to mainstream 3D adoption. So for a glimpse into the future, check out the below videos demonstrating this technology.

(Source: Crave Asia)
Source: CNET News (

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