Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cute alert: Mimobots turn 5

Isadore Mimobot

Isadore is back, one of four Mimobot great-great grandparents being rereleased.

Has it really been only five years since design studio Mimoco introduced its first uber-cute designer flash drives? Given the countless iterations of these things that have flashed before our eyes (see what I did there?), it seems like they've been around since the advent of the USB specification.
anniversary Mimobots

Posing in all their Mimobot glory are (from left) Isadore, RayD81, Fairybit, and Swirl. (Credit: Mimoco)

After all, we've seen Mimobots in virtually every theme imaginable: Star Wars Mimobots; Halo-themed Mimobots; Domo-kun Mimobots; Hello Kitty Mimobots (naturally; every peripheral MUST come in a Hello Kitty version, it's the law); and even a Hunter S. Thompson-inspired device. Now, to celebrate five years of funky flash storage, Mimoco is rereleasing four limited-edition Mimobot characters from the Core series that came out way back in the olden days of 2005: Isadore, RayD81, Swirl, and Fairybit (names sure to mean something to true Mimobot maniacs). All are available in 2GB to 16GB capacities, ranging in price accordingly from $24.95 to $79.95. And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming...
Source: CNET News (

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