What is Google Voice?
Google Voice is best known for its visual voice mail features. If you miss a call, Google Voice uses computers to transcribe the voice message into text, which it can send to you via SMS or e-mail.
You can read or listen to messages in any order you like and the messages, which are stored online on Google's servers, and are accessible from any browser, including the browser on your mobile phone (see video at left for more details.)
If you already use Gmail, you'll notice that you can manage your online Google Voice in-box just as you would your e-mail.
Adding phone numbers from callers to your Google contacts list is a bonus, so you've always got an up-to-date address book stored online. In addition, you'll be able to record multiple custom voice mail greeting for individuals or groups of callers.
A tale of two Voices
Here's where it gets complicated. There are currently two options for using Google Voice. In the first, called conditional call forwarding, you keep your regular phone number for your home phone or cell phone, and set up Google Voice to handle all your voice mails.There will be no perceptible change for people who call you--you'll just have a different way of collecting your voicemail. Setting up conditional call forwarding with Google Voice isn't hard, but it does take a little number-punching. Luckily, Google will walk you through the process when you first sign up at www.google.com/voice.
The second option is to replace your phone number entirely and get a Google Voice number.
While this means your friends and family will have to learn a brand-new number for you, the main advantage is being able to direct a single incoming call to multiple phones.
In a few minutes, you can set it up Google voice to ring your home phone, office phone, or cell phone (for example) whenever someone calls your central Google Voice number (see video at left for details on adding a new number.) Opting for a new Google Voice number also gets you features like conference calling, screening callers, blocking a pesky caller, listening in to a voice mail, recording a call for later use, and sending text messages from the computer. Google has also made it simpler on those of you with smartphones. The Google Voice website, m.google.com/voice, is optimized for mobile phones, and there are Google Voice apps for Android phones and BlackBerry that make it easier to use and integrate with the phone's address book. The last thing you need to know is that for right now, at least, if you decide to keep your own phone number and let Google control your voice mail, you will not be able to upgrade that number to a Google Voice number if you change your mind.Visit Google.com for a full list of features and individual help topics.
Source: CNET News (http://cnet.com/)
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