Monday, June 21, 2010

Steve Jobs at D8: the videos

RANCHO PALOS VERDES, Calif.--Although CNET worked dilligently to convey all the highlights of Steve Jobs' talk here last night in our live blog, there's really no substitute for hearing it straight from the horse's mouth. Thankfully, the folks at D: All Things Digital have offered up some embeddable video, which we have included below. (And for those who just want a recap, feel free to check out my summary story of last night's talk.) One of the more interesting things Jobs had to say was that Apple was working on a tablet before a phone, even though it ultimately decided to release the iPhone before the iPad. Here's that clip: Jobs also talked in some detail about his thoughts on Flash and its war of words with Adobe Systems, with the Apple CEO saying his company hadn't been looking for a fight. I also was interested to hear what Jobs had to say on Apple's competition with Google: Next, here's what Jobs had to say on the saga of the lost iPhone prototype: Asked why it can still be difficult to make a phone call on the iPhone, here's what Steve Jobs had to say: And finally, this is Jobs on Apple TV and its "hobby" status:
Source: CNET News (

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